Monday, March 7, 2011

a post for postings sake

What does it take to get me to change? Sometimes I wonder why God puts up with me. Makes my head spin.

As someone who is a perfectionist and who never seems to want to start things in fear that I wont be able to finish them, it is hard for me to see any progress in myself seeing that I never feel like I can become a polished, finished product. Endless attempts at progress and becoming better tends to seem endlessly daunting to me. I am so very happy when I overcome a weakness, rise to meet a challenge, or complete a difficult task, but I find it hard to see the joy in the slight day to day progressions, the seemingly mundane attempts to become a better son of God that I cannot see the fruits of right away. I have the same trouble with working out, even though I know it produces results because I have experienced it! Then why is it hard? I don't know.

Did you know that I do sing for an online company called Yousicals? They have a website: You should go there and check me out in the Bios section and there should be two songs that I recorded on there: "Hello" and "Oops I Failed it Again" and keep a look out for "Because of You" a recent recording that is not up there quite yet.

blah... not a fan of this post. But I guess they don't all have to be good right?

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